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Are you staying hydrated?

The majority of the human body is made up of water. In fact, 50-60 percent of an average person’s body weight is water. Staying hydrated is vital for optimal health, especially while playing sports in extremely hot temperatures.

At Busybody Fitness & Rehab, our physical therapists are experts in orthopedic care. Athletes are most vulnerable to musculoskeletal injuries because they are often in situations of high contact.

As we approach football, cheer, & band season it is important to remember to stay hydrated. Most of these practices are held during the hottest part of the day, when the sun sweltering. Coaches and trainers will undoubtedly provide water for their team, but that is sometimes not always enough. Children often show up to practice already dehydrated. With added pads and clothing, the risk of dehydration is much greater.

Compared to adults, children have a harder time to keep themselves cool. This is because it is easier for adolescents to hold heat from hot environments. In the same sense, children produce more metabolic heat during physical activity. The inability to disperse heat leads to a higher risk of dehydration than adults.

Healthy practices lead to healthy games. Fluids, especially water, should be taken throughout the day. Athletes should avoid sugar drinks such as soda, and instead choose water, milk, and sports drinks with electrolytes for optimal athletic performance. Usually, children should drink around 16 ounces of fluids before any form of physical activity.

Water and sports drinks help prevent dehydration and muscle cramps. These fluids replenish the body, keep sodium and potassium levels high, which are otherwise lost while sweating. Always keep a bottle of water handy, no matter the circumstances. Texas weather in the summer is unbearable at times, making children even more vulnerable to dehydration than in other states. Talk to your Busybody Fitness & Rehab physical therapist about other ways you can avoid sports injuries.

Football Player drinking water

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